Academics, researchers, PhD students, and practitioners with an interest in statistical and demographic research, along with the associated methodological and applied fields, are invited to submit a short paper for the Intermediate meeting of the Italian Statistical Society on “Statistics for innovation”.
Submission guidelines
All authors are invited to submit an original short paper from 4 to 6 pages (including tables, figures and references) to the Scientific Program Committee by TBA. Short papers, including an abstract (only in English) not longer than 200 words and keywords (max 4), must contain a description of the substantive problem and the analyzed data, as well as the proposed techniques and models. They are also required to incorporate a concise statement of the main results and conclusions, along with the most relevant references. Names and affiliations of all authors with the designated corresponding author and her/his email address are also required.
Short papers must be written in English and prepared according to Springer’s proceedings guidelines using Latex or Word templates. For LaTeX users: the class file “svproc.cls” is required for the compilation and it can be found in the ‘styles’ subfolder of the Latex package folder. In your working directory, use also ‘*.sty’ files in the same subfolder.
Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format using the EasyChair system selecting the appropriate tracks:
- for plenary, specialized, and solicited sessions, the track will match the session title
- for contributed sessions, the track must be selected from the list of available topics.
Papers received by the deadline will be peer-reviewed, and notification of acceptance will be issued by TBA. All submissions, except invited talks, are subject to a blind refereeing process. The final versions of the short papers will be submitted by TBA. Key dates are to be met by the authors of both invited and contributed papers.
After acceptance, short papers will be included in the program and will be published in the pre-conference proceedings book by Springer Nature, only if accompanied by a Licence to Publish (LtP) agreement. Concerning the final and complete manuscript, the source files (TeX/Word files, figure files, etc.), the LtP agreement and a reference PDF are needed for the production.
At least one conference registration and its corresponding payment is required for each accepted paper to be presented at the conference.
For any question about submissions, please email to